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Posted By Admin on 03/04/20

I won’t even for a minute pretend that I am not a huge fan of MILFs.

I mean, I’m a fan of many other genres too and perhaps in contrast teens are included in that. Their perky titties and firm bodies completely untainted by age. Like a girlfriend of mine once said “they are still of the age where their bodies are somehow not yet subject to gravity”. But never has there been a time where my favourite has not been MILFs.

Even since being a young boy there was always some hot teacher, some friend’s mom, a work colleague or friend of my mother, that I had a crush on. That I lusted over to be more specific.

Growing older it has eventually evolved into being my peers. So it’s only the motivation that has changed but the sentiment has stood the test of time and I expect that when I am a grandpa one day I would still fancy them and be drooling over them as the young chicks.

And when it comes to MILFs there are few as hot as this particular one.

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Blogged Under: Milf,Porn Discounts
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Posted By Admin on 07/04/19

Some people are just plain fucked up. Just look at this bimbo’s lips. She clearly just doesn’t have a clue of when enough is enough. Those lips are so ridiculously puffy that it looks like she’s got a cartoon face.

She could also not just go for a nice full chest, she had to get the G-cups cause you know… actually I don’t. Idiots are idiots man and that’s just never going to change.

At lest she’s in the entertainment business right because that’s where clowns do best. I bet the guy fucking her has no complaints and he’s got her in doggy style which means he won’t burst out laughing mid-scene because of her face.

She’s just one extreme at Wankz where there is actually just about anything and everything for every taste as far as porn is concerned. They don’t specialise in a specific genre but rather make a deliberate effort to cover it all and at that with massive quantities.

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Blogged Under: Porn Discounts
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Posted By Admin on 03/20/19

When it comes to good acting, Lilith Lust sure has amazing tits. 😛

She’s stupendously gorgeous though. It seems to me that there is just no middle road with redheads, they’re either fugly or so hot they make you go weak at the knees and Rainia is one of the latter. Rainia Belle is the other name she goes by. Just about all porn stars seems to have multiple stage names.

A mate of mine when I was a teenager had this saying that basically translates to his opinion that a redhead that doesn’t put out has dyed hair. Once your not a young teenager anymore sayings like that go out the window because grown woman have sex, it’s a given. You only ever don’t know if a girl you have a crush on might or might not be open to sex at that awkward teenage stage of your life.

Do we need to wonder if any of the girls at Reality Kings are virgins though? 😀

You can save up to 85% with a Reality Kings discount and score access to the entire network’s sites.

Blogged Under: Porn Discounts
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Posted By Admin on 06/13/18

I can’t say that I’ve ever really taken such obvious notice of a girl’s asshole before. In porn that is. Not unless there a dick up it and then there’s nothing really to notice is there.

Somehow with this pic though I caught myself aroused by it and even staring at it before I noticed what i was doing and even what I was thinking about.

They say the similarity between a women’s asshole and the poles on a 9V battery is that even though you know you probably shouldn’t, at some point you’re going to stick your tongue on it.

Even though I’ve see rimming in porn before I have never thought that to be something I would want to do, quite the contrary, until now and now I’m not sure how to feel about that.

That is a pretty tidy ass and pussy all round though to be fair.

I was actually browsing around for some decent deals to some of the better porn sites out there and just in case I can save you some time; you can get them here.

Blogged Under: Porn Discounts
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